Tom The Postgirl | Strange But Cute

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by Charlene Sarmiento

Tom The Postgirl, Strange But Cute

This creepy-cute narrative adventure game with a twist will be sure to surprise you

Point N’ Click? No, Walk N’ Stalk

Become The Stalker Of Your Dreams

In Tom the postgirl, you follow the mischievous protagonist Tom on her deliveries as the village postgirl who just can’t seem to keep her nose out of people’s business. Tom is a bona fide stalker, peeking inside homes whenever she gets the opportunity to—no wonder she’s the postgirl. But it appears that she’s not the only one in the village with a strange obsession…go along on her adventures and see what the locals are hiding behind closed doors.

Immerse yourself in a hand-drawn 2D noir wonderland that is Tom’s little hamlet, and discover more about the townspeople with multilinear storytelling. Decide how you’ll play out Tom’s peeking escapades, facing the consequences of each decision. Will you be the good little messenger and deliver the parcels, or give in to your curiosity and open them up?

While the story is told without narration or words, you piece together the tales that unfold through the glimpses of each resident’s life and through Tom’s stalking. It’s a story-driven, spooky point n’ click—er, walk n’ stalk that is filled with dark humor.

Friends To Even Better Friends

A three-man team based in Zürich, Oopsie Daisies is an indie game studio made up of three “abnormally long friends joining forces to make cewl games!” and who aims to create visually-driven games with innovative storytelling. Tom the postgirl is their first game together, with the members having their own experiences with other games as well.

In their developer trailer, art lead Lea Coquoz shares that they were inspired by the Little Red Riding Hood, which is easily recognizable by Tom’s theme color. They took Little Red’s curiosity, cranked it up to max, and voila, Tom is the result.

The music is also an original soundtrack by Swiss composer and musician Aurélien Darbellay.

Little Red Postgirl, Peeping Tom

The premise of the game is rather unique—playing as a cute but disturbed little girl who likes stalking her neighbors in an unassuming town. But it’s not like the villagers are normal in any way, as they have their own oddities about them, which seems to get more peculiar as Tom goes on her delivery route. And it’s clever how Tom’s name is derived from the term “peeping tom”, a voyeur who spies on people—which is exactly what our curious protagonist does throughout the game.

Tom the postgirl doesn’t have a release date or release period as of writing, but it’s now available to wishlist on their Steam page! A demo is also out, should you want a sneak peek into the weird but interesting tale of Tom.