Caravan Sandwitch Teases Upcoming Features

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by Charlene Sarmiento

Caravan Sandwitch Teases Upcoming Features

The game is now better with the help of demo testers

Caravan Sandwitch Dev Update #1

Addressing Several Constructive Feedback

Studio Plane Toast, the developers of Caravan Sandwitch, are hard at work in ensuring that the game will be at its best during launch, as evidenced by their very first dev update post on Steam. They shared that during the last Steam Next Fest when the game was available for playtesting for a limited time, they received a “lot of constructive feedback” and are currently working on it. They then discuss some of those issues that they have already solved.

Firstly, with a rather large map to explore in, some players found it difficult to get around and would easily get lost. The devs have now reworked the map to make it much clearer than before, and players can now place little markers all over the map to mark certain destinations to go to or to record places that were already visited and that stood out.
Next, the automatic camera rotation setting posed a problem for some, finding it jarring or just not in the view that they wanted it to be. Now, camera rotation can now be manually adjusted to the angle that you prefer, making for better-looking screenshots in just the way that you’d like them to be. 

Lastly, interactive objects such as ladders and the van itself gave off a notification sound when approached, which may not be a welcome sound for all players. Studio Plane Toast took note of that, and are now in talks with their Sound Designer about the issue, as well as added an option to deactivate the sound indefinitely.

Other fixes such as FPS drops and the fade-back animation bugs will be implemented once it has been solved. Stay tuned for more updates!

A Sci-Fi Exploration Game For All

Caravan Sandwitch—pun wholly intended—is an interesting exploration game full of mystery that takes its players on a sci-fi journey across a deserted planet to fulfill the main character’s mission to save their missing sister. Studio Plane Toast noted that they made Caravan Sandwitch inclusive for all, “representing their vision of a world where communities help each other to overcome the environmental consequences of our world.”
