Critter Cove Announced September 10th Early Access Release

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by Charlene Sarmiento

Critter Cove Announced September 10th Early Access Release

Revive a sleepy old town to its former glory

Put Critter Cove Back On The Tourist Map!

Cozy And Casual Town Building

Critter Cove is set for an Early Access release date on September 10th! This cozy and casual town builder-slash-life-simulator takes inspiration from games such as Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley, and The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. Set in a vibrant and colorful post-apocalyptic world, the titular Critter Cove was once a thriving tourist spot, attracting dozens of visitors from all over the world…but at present, it’s only a dark shadow of its former self, full of shuttered shops, dirty streets, and trash. It needs the help of a brainy hero to turn things around…a hero such as you.

Build Critter Cove from the ground up by spending doubloons to build and upgrade basic buildings into something better. These upgrades will directly affect the island’s tourist rating, and with high tourist ratings come with high visitor volume. More tourists, more money, and more upgrades! With that said, you need to add some spice to your island as well. Explore the vast open world around and below the archipelago to discover new blueprints and to gather resources, as well as treasures, exotic ingredients, and remnants of the old world. Who knows what might be waiting for you in the ruins of a long lost civilization?
Another thing to note is that the character customization is quite diverse. Play as a human or animal of your choice! Mammal or Reptile? How about being a bird? Or even better, a mix of the features that you like. You can have the head of a parrot also rocking a monkey tail. Let your creativity take the reins and find your perfect tropical island manager avatar!

If the game’s premise sounds like something right up your alley, then don’t forget to mark September 10th on your calendar for Critter Cove’s Early Access release day on Steam!